“The cruelty and viciousness against Ingrid, a woman in her prime and Fatima, a seven-year-old girl is monstrous… yet, these are only two, of thousands in Mexico”
MEXICO CITY (Sin Embargo) – From indolence to inhumanity, the head of the capital’s government and the President of the Republic have exhibited their moral misery and government inefficiency, in the face of the female protest that today shakes the country’s streets because of the femicides ignored by Sheinbaum and despised by AMLO”.
From “not now… not now,” by Claudia Sheinbaum, to “no more painting doors or walls,” by López Obrador.
From indolence to inhumanity, the capital’s head of government and the President of the Republic showed their moral misery and government inefficiency, in the face of the feminine protest that today shakes the country’s streets because of the femicides ignored by Sheinbaum and despised by AMLO.
From clumsiness to grievance, both were stunned and overwhelmed by the cases of Ingrid Escamilla and the girl Fatima. The cruelty and viciousness against a woman in her prime and a seven year old girl is typical of human monsters. The indifference of Sheinbaum and AMLO is of inhumane politicians.
Our poor country.
It was Lopez Obrador’s offensive contempt in that buffoonery that has become the presidential morning homily. It was the humiliating vilification that Sheiunbaum showed when the press asked him face to face about the marches and protests against feminicide. Silence. Disdain. It is a lethal combination: a President increasingly removed from a reality that overwhelms him and a head of government who is timid about the demands of a city she believes she is governing by inaugurating ornaments or announcing dances for old people. What a pair.
It was all that chain of viciousness that broke the national indignation, in addition to the unfortunate moments in which – whether one wants to recognize it or not – both AMLO’s and Sheinbaum’s governments were shaken by the feminicides, scourged by the protests that exploded at the gates of the National Palace, and brought to their knees by their own incompetence. Stunned. Cornered. Overtaken. That’s how Lopez Obrador and his wife walk.
And so, to not to forget what kind of people these politicians are, let´s remeber their bright moments:
- “You (reporters) are going to turn the meaning of this conference upside down, I don’t like that, I don’t want the feminicide to overshadow the raffle (of the plane)…”: AMLO. (Source: Vanguardia. Saltillo Coahuila newspaper). “What problem of conscience can I have (in the face of feminicide)?
- What happens is that, as there is a discomfort, and it is not that there is social unrest (because) people are happy…the unrest is of the power groups, the groups of vested interests that resist the changes…”. (?): Source: AMLO
- “I ask the feminists not to paint doors or walls… we know how to turn the provocation around. Let (women) protest without violence…”: Source: AMLO.
- Homicides are measured, the degree of social decomposition produced by the neoliberal model is not measured…”: Source: AMLO, after being questioned about the murder of 7 year-old girl Fatima.
- Criminals are human beings who also deserve our respect”: AMLO/Morning Conference
- Any message to the women who are marching today against the feminicides, asks the reporter. “Not now… not now,” answers Claudia Sheinbaum. There are several demonstrations, she insists. “I am very respectful of my source (?)”, answers the Head of Government with a touch of pride. –But what response will there be to these marches? “No comments. Thank you, thank you, thank you…”, says Sheinbaum. And she is lost amidst the applause of her followers.
- The Attorney General’s Office in Mexico City showed a video last Monday, where a woman can be seen taking 7 year-old girl Fatima after she left school… At least four days after having it in their possession! The time that elapsed was key to having been able to find the girl alive. The indolence shown by the prosecution is criminal.
- “I want you to back me up me because today she was my daughter, and tomorrow she can be yours”… Fatima’s mother addressing reporters. At her side, astonished, Claudia Sheinbaum. “It is a very complicated situation. Unfortunately, her mother is ill, she has a mental illness. Ernestina Godoy, the capital’s Prosecutor, about Fatima’s parents.
- “It is not possible that we have given all the clues to locate Fatima. It is not possible that fundamental hours have been lost to find her. She could have been found alive and nobody paid any attention to us”: Sonia López, Fatima’s aunt. “What a coincidence that yesterday we were in the temple (protesting) and now the authorities have come and there are already police officers! And when we hadn’t done what we did, no authority was at the school…”: Fatima’s relative.
- Claudia Sheinbaum arrives at Fatima’s school smiling, with no respect for the little girl’s atrocious death, aggravating the national indignation. She greets as a rock star, in the distance, the students forced to remain more than an hour under the inclement sun to receive the Head of Government who, with her arm raised, celebrates, upstairs as if she were in a political meeting. Shame on you Claudia Sheinbaum
At this time, the monsters who killed Fatima have not been arrested. Of the woman who took her from school, a name is known and a spoken portrait.
The only thing that’s true is this horror story: The Prosecutor’s Office had the video of the woman with Fatima for four days, and did nothing about it.
More than a thousand women murdered in 2019 and in 49 days of 2020 there have been 265 femicides… plus Ingrid… and Fátima.
Who is next?
Martín Moreno
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The Yucatan Times