Home Headlines Don’t let your guard down with influenza, dengue and chikungunya

Don’t let your guard down with influenza, dengue and chikungunya

by Yucatan Times
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If you are a resident of our beloved Yucatan Peninsula, you must not let your guard down with influenza, or other mosquito-borne diseases, such as dengue and chikungunya.

MERIDA, YUCATAN (April 6, 2020): Along with the preventive actions against the Coronavirus and the recommedation to stay at home, the Yucatan Ministry of Health (SSY) is calling on the population not to lower its guard against diseases such as influenza and those transmitted by vectors such as dengue, zika and chikungunya.

Regarding influenza, the deputy director of Public Health of the SSY, Carlos Isaac Hernández Fuentes, reported that during the current vaccination campaign against this respiratory disease, 519,613 doses have been applied, representing 93% of the total goal of 560,077.

Hernández Fuentes highlighted the sum of efforts with the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) and the Social Security and Services for State Workers (Issste), coordination with which has achieved a better scope of the strategy.

Regarding vector-borne diseases such as dengue, zika and chikungunya, Jorge Alfredo Palacio Vargas, head of the SSY’s State Vector Program, called on the population to continue taking measures to prevent mosquito breeding in homes, especially now that whole families are at home due to the Coronavirus emergency.

To prevent their proliferation, the state official recommended turning upside down containers and tanks that can store water, and eliminating liquids that are stagnant in yards and homes, while ensuring that commercial household insecticides are effective against Aedes Aegypti, a species that prefers to remain inside homes.

Palacios Vargas said that although we are in the dry season, we should not let down our guard down and if we are spending a long time indoors, we must be prepared.

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