MERIDA, YUCATAN (April 8, 2020): 911 emergency number calls denouncing domestic violence (mostly against women) in Merida, skyrocketed during March 2020, compared to the same month last year.
This means that the Merida women’s shelter is now at its maximum capacity, and measures are being taken to provide the necessary space for others who may need to use he accommodations”, Renán Barrera Concha, the city’s mayor, said Tuesday April 7.
The mayor added that, they have to be more vigilant in dealing with these cases.
In addition, the Línea “Mujer” (women’s line) is available to the community at the numbers 911 and 089 where they can also call for help, in cases of domestic violence.
“The complaints can be made by a neighbor or a friend, anyone who knows of a vulnerable person or victim of violence
“Third parties can call to file a complaint and municipal authorities will immediatelly go to assist them. There is special team within the municipal police, calle the “Juribus”, which is an emergency support service, created to take care of gender violence cases,” Renan Barrera said.
“Last February, 104 calls were received on the women’s line, from
which 49 were emergencies,” continued the mayor, “but a month later, in March, emergency calls went up to 76. The longer the isolation, the greater the risk of gender violence” mayor Renan Barrera Concha concluded.