Celestún, Yucatán (June 28, 2020) .- An “elotero” who earned the daily bread in this port selling his esquites and fritangas, was attacked with a knife by a subject known as “El Barbas”, which unleashed the wrath of the settlers, who wanted to lynch him.
The outrageous event occurred in Celestún on June 24, near the Gaviota store, shortly before 6 in the afternoon, when Miguel Ángel R., 37, from Isla Aguada, Campeche, who was under the influence of alcohol attacked the “elotero” Santiago aka “Saraguato”, 47, with the intention of stripping him of his money.
However, Santiago objected and received severe cuts in both hands; he was immediately helped by the residents of the area and attended by the municipal paramedic Fernando Méndez.

Subsequently, he was transferred to the Health Center, as he suffered a deep cut in his right hand, and a tendon of his index finger was cut off, so it was necessary to transfer him to the O’Horán hospital in the Yucatecan capital.
The alleged aggressor was arrested on Calle 2 between 5 and 7 and had to be subdued by elements of the Coordinated Police to take him to the local detention facility.
After the locals learned of this attack on the poor “elotero“, they wanted to enter the prison to teach Miguelito a quick lesson.

Later it was learned that the affected person was allowed to file his complaint with the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) in Hunucmá.
It is worth remembering that about a decade ago, an “elotero” from Kinchil, Yucatan, told a lazy man who was asking him for 5 pesos: “get a job so that you can pay for your vice“, in response, the vicious man stabbed him in the eye and he finally lost it.