Yucatan authorities report that next Monday, August 3, they will analyze the indicators and do not rule out implementing additional measures among these, returning to the color red.
MERIDA Yucatan (Times Media Mexico) – Because of the growing number of victims and infections of the covid-19 virus, the Yucatan State Health Department and other authorities have implemented new measures to reduce unnecessary social contact, parties and social gatherings and thus reducing the advance of the infections. These measures are as follows:
1. The Ministry of Public Security (SSP) is implementing a statewide operation to prevent road traffic from 10:30 p.m. until 5 a.m., except in coastal municipalities, which will be implemented from 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. This operation will apply to all types of vehicles, except for emergency vehicles, transfers to medical units, purchases of medicines, and transfers of health personnel.
2. Non-essential businesses must close at the latest until 6 p.m. and must remain closed on Saturdays and Sundays. As for restaurants, from Monday to Friday, they will close at 10 p.m. at the latest, and on Saturdays and Sundays, they will only be able to operate in the form of home service, takeaway service or platform service. In the case of essential businesses, their administrators will be responsible for adjusting working hours so that their workers can leave on time before the road mentioned above closures.
3. All marinas are closed, and the immediate return of all recreational boats to be on land is ordered. The use of any motorized water vehicle is prohibited except those dedicated to coastal fishing. People in the ports are reminded that the use of a mask is mandatory when traveling on the beaches.
4. The restoration of the dry law throughout the state.
A State Program to Strengthen Health Protection has been implemented, which will join the fight against Coronavirus, focusing on prevention with the presence of “Friends of Health” brigades in the municipalities, neighborhoods, and police stations show an upward trend in the number of infected people.
In addition to the presence of the “Friends of Health” brigades, itinerant modules have been installed for the collection of samples for the timely detection of Coronavirus and the implementation of a time tracking system via SMS messages and phone calls to the last contacts of people who, upon being diagnosed with Coronavirus, wish to cooperate by providing this information.
In the medical report of Friday, July 31st, the Ministry of Health reported that 240 new infections of Coronavirus were detected:
115 in Mérida, 29 in Ticul and Valladolid, 9 in Oxkutzcab and Tizimín, 5 in Tekax, Temozón and Umán, 4 in Teabo, and 4 foreigners; 3 in Tinum, 2 in Chichimilá, Halachó, Maxcanú and Motul, and 1 in Akil, Cacalchén, Chankom, Chapab, Conkal, Espita, Izamal, Kanasín, Muna, Progreso, Río Lagartos, Sucilá, Tekantó, Tixkokob and Yaxcabá.
There are already 9,767 positive cases, 114 of which are from another country or state.
The Yucatan municipalities with the highest number of persons infected are (cumulative cases as of July 30)
Mérida, with 5,364, Valladolid, 637, Ticul, 414, Umán, 335, Kanasín, 327, Tekax, 185, Tizimín, 173, Progreso, 170, Temozón, 128, Hunucmá, 114, Motul, 96, Izamal, 77, Maxcanú, 70, Peto, 64, Acanceh, 61, Chemax, 59, Buctzotz, 55, Halachó, 46, Tixkokob, 46
The neighborhoods in Merida with the highest number of infected people are (cases diagnosed in the last 14 days) Ciudad Caucel, with 80, Juan Pablo II, 74, Centro, 48, Los Héroes, 45, Francisco de Montejo, 40, Mulsay, 34, Yucalpetén, 34, Bojórquez, 31, Vergel, 30, Francisco I. Madero, 25, Pacabtún, 25, Emiliano Zapata Sur, 20, Polígono 108, 20, Xoclán, 15, Miraflores, 15, Las Américas, 15, Plan de Ayala Sur, 13, Vicente Solís, 10, Chenkú, 10.
Specifically, in Merida, 5,297 people have been diagnosed with Coronavirus in cases accumulated as of July 30.
1,295 in the Northern zone
1,467 in the East
545 in the Central zone
869 in the South
1,121 in the West
In total, 1,161 people have died of Coronavirus in the Yucatan, and hundreds are awaiting diagnosis. Stay home, stay safe.