The restoration of the monuments to the Montejo and Andrés Quintana Roo, which were painted in the march for International Women’s Day, would cost more than 100,000 pesos and the work, in the case of the first, would take three to four weeks, reported Mayor Renán Barrera Concha.
On this occasion, contrary to the march of September 28, 2019, the protest was not criminalized, including in a video that was uploaded on his social networks, the councilor expressed his support for women.
Addressed by the newspaper in the Ya’axtal park where he supervised the Park Rangers program, Barrera Concha stressed that it is important to mention that they were two different events.
“One was in the framework of a protest over the abortion issue; in the case of 8M, it is an issue in which there has been a growing clamor from women to stop violence in all its expressions ”.
He then pointed out that his responsibility as mayor is to take care of the infrastructure of the city and guarantee the free expression of ideas.
“I need to maintain those two positions, in the sense that what can be repaired will be repaired and without limiting the expression.” he pointed.
“The call and exhortation have been that we can maintain caring for the environment and not violate the rights of third parties, but we will always be working hand in hand on these causes that are still pending, in the City Council they will find an echo for their requests.”
Regarding the complaint that the City Council filed after the protest of September 2019 in which the Monument to the Mother had damages of 127,000, he indicated that it is still filed and is part of what has been discussed by different groups with which it has met from 8M.
“Personally, I have been interested in calling them to join the work that we have been doing for two years, which has been important,” he said.
“One of the requests that have been made and a show of solidarity is the matter of the lawsuit that is being filed. Although they are different matters, what we are looking for is that there is no or no pretext so that they can see that in the City Council there are bridges of understanding and construction of solutions, it is what we want ”.
The mayor also stressed that beyond stones and demands, the most important thing is to go on an agenda that defends the causes of women without this meaning that there could be any expression, any attitude that could restrict their rights.