Galería Caracol Púcar Mérida has the honor of inviting the entire public to the inauguration of the permanent exhibition of the artist Ricardo Can called “Ba’alche’o’ob yetel winik’o’ob k’aax” / “Animals and men of the jungle ”, as well as the unveiling of the mural“ Mystical Duality ”.
Ricardo Can May is originally from the Mayan town of Kimbilá, a police station in Izamal that is located about 60 km east of the capital of Yucatan and that has become known, in recent years, for its embroidery and textiles that have made this territory famous. It is Kimbilá and its surroundings from where the artist takes up his motives.
Are your memories of childhood and the stories of the oral tradition that, linked to his encounter with some of the animals of the Maya jungle, he is decanting in his paintings.
Pictorial work.- The territory is knowledge and identity, Ba’alche’o’ob yetel winik’o’ob k’aax, is the point of departure and return. In general, the Maya people will know how to ruminate part of the deep meaning of the paintings. Not only are the animals represented in the paintings but the guardians of each animal represented.
If the Mayan hipiles represent the flora of the region, Richo Can May opts for the fauna and the guardian spirits of the Maya. If Mayan textiles are an exaltation of spring and fertility, the paintings then complete the synthesis of birth, life, and death. Ricardo Can’s Mayan jungle is abuzz with life and death; a constant provocation to the viewer.
The fertile face of our universes, the paintings lead us to the impasse of “the other”.
They break into the dream world and cause joy and pleasure. An animal pleasure, which helps, at the same time, to define our human side more precisely.
The two techniques, embroidery and painting, are a way of weaving stories, of telling us a long-winded tale, a story passed down for generations. Sometimes it’s grandparents the storytellers, sometimes it will be the stones and their shapes, sometimes maybe the shapes found in the skin of snakes.
It is not the golden ratio that prevails in this series of paintings. Is the geometric pattern found on the back of the rattlesnake or ts’áab kaan. The same way that gave rise to ancient architects to follow a pattern that helped them to solve construction problems in ancient cities, and that it is an element that can be found in the same way in Maya painting. It is the so-called canamayté, or “principle of composition” present in Ba’alche’o’ob yetel winik’o’ob k’aax.
Mural.- Mystical Duality is a pictorial project embodied in a 25 square meter mural that seeks to reinterpret the glorious pre-Hispanic past that we inherited from our ancestors, not only through an artistic discipline but also through what said discipline contributes, such as it is; a graphic narrative that transmits a pertinent message to anyone who plunges into the complex web of shapes, textures, and colors that the noble painting contains.
Apelando a su herencia como indígena Richo comenta, me atrevo a decir que soy heredero de
un pasado místico y rico en cultura, sobre todo cultura maya, que es la representante de nuestra región y de nuestro territorio. La cosmovisión del mundo Maya aún vive en nuestra gente, nuestras tradiciones y nuestro patrimonio, por lo tanto, es de vital pertinencia poder aportar insumos, medios y esfuerzos para crear nuevas obras de arte que contengan un lenguaje propio desde la introspección.
The inauguration of the exhibition and unveiling of the mural will take place on Saturday, April 3 of this year, at 5:00 p.m., for which we will hold a reception in the cafeteria located inside the gallery, with music at charge of Dinaldy Pech Jazz Mayafro, the space is limited and confirmation of attendance is required to the email [email protected] or to the number 999174-18-51, so that attendees can enjoy all the security measures of this magnificent exposition.
As of the inauguration, the exhibition will be permanently in the Galería Caracol Púrpura Mérida, located at Calle 60 by 53 and 55 in the center, open to the public from 9 am to 8 pm.