Home Business-newBusiness Yucatán registered 38 percent hotel occupancy during Easter Holidays

Yucatán registered 38 percent hotel occupancy during Easter Holidays

by Yucatan Times
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Mérida, Yucatán, (April 06, 2021).- For Easter Holidays, the hotels in Yucatán reported 38 percent occupancy, a number that despite giving a slight respite to the activity of this sector is not enough to maintain the balance of business operations, which is why new strategies are required that could allow increasing the dynamics of tourism in the State, said the president of the Mexican Association of Hotels of Yucatán (AMHY), Juan José Martín Pacheco.

He pointed out that due to the low influx that is registered in the entity as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, nine hotels in Mérida stopped operating this year, which has left entrepreneurs in the tourism sector in a difficult situation .

Given this panorama, the business leader considered necessary to adjust the mobility restriction schedules, because it is an important factor to increase the influx of tourists, since during the past weekend, there were several complaints from vacationers, who could not arrive to their hotels even when they had their reservations in hand, due to the hour of circulation.

For this reason, he said, many tourists chose to move to Campeche or Quintana Roo to stay or had to settle in other hotels, those closest to the checkpoint where they were detained.

Juan José Martín Pacheco, stressed that the hotel businessmen of Pisté complained because they did not consider the closure of the Chichén Itzá archaeological zone to the public from April 1 to 4 appropriate, because many tourists ended up canceling their reservations.

He recalled that in recent days during a meeting with the Secretary of Tourism, Michelle Fridman, it had been agreed that visitors who arrive in Mérida between 11:30 at night and 5 in the morning, and show that they have a hotel reservation, should not have any restrictions to move to their lodging center.

At that point, he stated that controlled access to archaeological sites can be managed through online reservations, with limited daily capacity, in addition to insisting on making the mobility restriction more flexible when dealing with tourists arriving in the city of Mérida via land and have reservations at one of the hotels in the state capital.

Regarding the occupancy projections for this Easter week, Martín Pacheco indicated that until today there are reservations equivalent to 11 percent , which is very low and not enough for the proper operation of hotels.

Source: La Jornada Maya

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