MÈXICO CITY, May 11, 2021 (EL FINANCIERO).- One month before the June 6 elections to renew 15 governorships, the Chamber of Deputies, 30 local Congresses and around 2,000 municipal presidencies, the citizen approval of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador fell 4 points and ranks as the second-lowest average so far during his administration.
According to El Financiero, in April the approval of Mexicans towards the work that the president is doing stood at 57%, four points below the 61% that supported him in March.
While support dropped, disapproval rose in the same month, from 36% to 41%.
These are the second worst numbers given by citizens to the work carried out by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in his 28 months in office, only after June 2020 when approval was at 56% and disapproval at 42%.
For the citizens surveyed, the main problem in the country is public insecurity (36%), followed by the economy and unemployment with (28%) and by the coronavirus pandemic with (14%).
On the issue of vaccination against the coronavirus, the president gets a good evaluation. 53% evaluate very well and well the way their government is handling the vaccination of the Mexican population.
Although President López Obrador considers that his main achievement is the fight against corruption, the citizens do not agree.
When asked how would you rate the way in which the López Obrador government is working on corruption, 59% say that it is very bad or bad, while 23% think that it is good or very good.
Another issue that citizens misjudge is the fight against public insecurity. 67% of those consulted consider that the work carried out is bad or very bad, compared to 18% who believe that the AMLO administration has done well or very well.
In general, only 27% of citizens consider that the country is on the right track, while 42 say it is on the wrong track.
In social networks, AMLO’s disapproval is on th rise
The incident on Metro Line 12 led to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador obtaining an 85.9% disapproval on Twitter.
According to the monitoring carried out by the consulting firm Integralia since October 2019, the collapse of an overpass between the Tezonco and Olivos stations of the Metro Line 12, is the moment where it has had the most disapproval in the last 30 months.
Other moments in which the disapproval of President López Obrador has been on th rise are the protest for lack of medicines, his trip to Washington to meet with Donald Trump and the beginning of the extinction of trusts.
Desde octubre de 2019, Integralia lleva a cabo un análisis de sentimiento sobre López Obrador en Twitter que contabiliza comentarios positivos, negativos y neutros. El accidente en la Línea 12 del Metro en CDMX provocó un 85.9% de desaprobación; el porcentaje más alto registrado pic.twitter.com/tiuiBdcaRU
— Integralia (@Integralia_Mx) May 10, 2021
Since October 2019, Integralia has carried out a sentiment analysis about López Obrador on Twitter that counts positive, negative, and neutral comments. The accident on Line 12 of the Metro in CDMX caused 85.9% disapproval; the highest percentage on record
On Facebook, the approval of the Mexican president also reported a decrease, going from 54.7 to 51.5% in the last month.
![Puede ser una imagen de una persona y texto que dice "MÉXICO elige MAY'21 Evaluación del Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador Excelente Buena Regular Mala Pésima 40 8.0 3.43.6 44.9 10 20 30 40 60 50 Porcentaje 70 80 90 100 Aprobación 51.5% Calificación 48.7 -3.2% (54.7%)* HISTÓRICO -3.2 (51.9)* *Corresponde mes anterior 70 65 60 Aprobación Desaprobación 50 45 40 30 5JUL20 9AGO20 6DIC20 FEB2 10ENE21 7MAR21"](https://scontent.fcjs3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/184522486_1866767583500575_4462860402155968353_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_eui2=AeEYksVRKDO3YP5P2-BE-3evwr6vKCfF7VbCvq8oJ8XtVrb2mbK_l7unVlmCik-cYEI&_nc_ohc=EzbE8kRjJMwAX-_g91G&_nc_ht=scontent.fcjs3-1.fna&oh=50251034adc132ca3d25f60883edeec7&oe=60C13B4C)
Source: El Financiero