Mérida, Yucatán, (June 22, 2021).- Through social networks, a woman reported being the victim of an alleged stalker while traveling in a public transportation unit in Mérida.
According to her social network account, around 3:40 p.m., the woman identified as Esther boarded a Poniente Circuit Transportation Bus, where the man, who was already on the bus, began to harass her.
“When I got on the bus he was already there, he was in the front, so I decided to sit in the back. Moments later, he decided to go back, that was when he began to harass me, with compliments such as: ‘you look delicious’ ‘baby’, ‘you are still a baby, I want to make you a woman’ “.
The complainant stated that the man was getting closer and closer to her until he was about to touch her, so she got up to tell the driver who helped her find a police patrol car without success.
“When this person realized that I wanted to call the police on him, he got mad and began to threaten me saying that next time I am going to appear dead because he already saw my face and said that he already saw the face of the bus driver too. Saying that I cannot speak or say anything because who I am leaving bad is him ”.
? #Yucatán | Una mujer denunció ser víctima de acoso por parte de un hombre en el transporte público de #Mérida con frases como “eres una bebé todavía, quiero hacerte mujer” ?
— Por Esto! Online (@PorEstoOnline) June 21, 2021
Más detalles: https://t.co/lmDH28csBO pic.twitter.com/rXOiGr2F9Q
Faced with this situation and out of fear for her life, Esther asks that if anyone knows or has information about this person, please let her know. “I fear for my integrity because he threatened me more than once, even saying that it is not the first time he has seen me, that he already knows my route home, and especially that he knows where I live.”