Mérida, Yucatán, (November 25, 2021) .- In a historical event and as a result of the exhortation that Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal made to the mayors of Yucatán, the 106 municipalities of the state already have their Municipal Institute for Women; an achievement that makes Yucatán the only state in the country in which all its demarcations have formed an instance of this type and contributes to the prevention, attention, punishment and eradication of violence against this sector and access to their rights.
Within the framework of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is commemorated this November 25th, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal led the signing of the agreement that makes the creation of said organizations official and announced that, within the proposal of the budget for 2022, which will be sent to the State Congress, compared to 2018, will increase the funds of the Office of the Attorney for the Protection of Children and Adolescents by 31%, to strengthen care and the restitution of their rights, with inputs and 24 new professionals: 8 social workers, 2 specialized, 6 psychologists and 8 lawyers.
Likewise, the Governor announced that, soon, 3 Violet Regional Centers will be created in the municipalities of Hunucmá, Yaxcabá and Temax, to make a total of 33 of these spaces throughout the state, and provide legal, psychological, social work and tools for empowerment; Also, 2 Refuges for Women will be established in Tekax and Ticul, with the objective that Yucatecans who require it, for as long as they need it, do not have to stray so far from their municipalities.
María Cristina Castillo Espinosa, head of the Semujeres, said that this fact marks a before and after in the way of doing things in Yucatan, in prevention and care of violence against women, for which she asked to continue adding voices and multiplying efforts to continue this mission.
“It is not and will not be a simple job, but we will not give up either; we are convinced that the only solution is hard, constant work, hand in hand with civil society, who are the best thermometer of our work, because living without violence is possible and, with the help of all of us, we will achieve it ” , she concluded.
Accompanied by the heads of the General Secretariat of Government (SGG), María Fritz Sierra, and of the Semujeres, María Cristina Castillo Espinosa, the Governor thanked the mayors for their commitment to this issue, and reiterated that they have the responsibility to turn Yucatán into an even better state, where opportunities are provided and women are protected.
In the presence of Judge Ligia Aurora Cortés, representative of the Superior Court of Justice, Vila Dosal indicated that the Violeta Brigades campaign will begin, which will be touring the busiest points of the state, such as markets, shopping centers or main squares of their municipalities , in order to bring the information that women need to know where to go, in case of violence.
Vila Dosal pointed out that there are anonymous reporting tools for cases of attacks against the sector, which are 0-8-9 and 9-1-1, and since March 17, guidance is provided via WhatsApp.
In order to strengthen the justice system, the Governor presented and, subsequently, the State Congress approved, the modifications to the State Penal Code, with which femicides will carry a penalty of up to 65 years in prison, which has contributed because, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi), Yucatán ranks first in the country with the highest perception of security by women and the second with the lowest incidence of crime against them, according to the Executive Secretary of the National Public Security System.
We have made the delivery of economic resources to Yucatecans in situations of extreme violence, through the Women with Safe Housing program, so that they can pay the rent of a house for themselves, their daughters and sons, and we are promoting economic opportunities through the training program in the private sector, where companies such as Dunosusa, Bepensa, Kekén, Walmart, among others, receive the necessary tools to improve their work environment and continue respecting women’s rights, Vila Dosal pointed out.
“As a state government, we are not going to stop, because we are going to continue working to improve and follow up on the actions we have carried out, to guarantee that all women assert their rights; we must work together and united as one, raising our voices and denouncing acts of violence and discrimination against women, ”said Vila Dosal.
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