After five murders, communication professionals show their anger at the president of Mexico with two demonstrations, a strike in Congress and in the Mañanera
(MEXICO – TYT).- The journalists demonstrate at the National Palace and call for a strike in front of the Mexican resident, Andrés Manuel López Obrador : «We stand in solidarity with the fallen journalists. We don’t want to ask you questions.” To conclude with a forceful: “Our main murderers are public servants”, confirming the union between public officials to end the lives of, above all, local pens.
Moved by the terrifying picture in the media, the reporters and cameramen called this strike for questions. A mobilization that joins the protests in the Senate and Congress. The most exciting moment was experienced at the end of the famous Mañanera, the pulpit from which AMLO hurled insults at our nation, from where a minute of silence was observed.
Previously, the editors refused to verbalize the usual questions after the daily address of the Mexican president. “We have to shout from the rooftops that we want each other alive,” exclaimed the reporter who started the revolt.
AMLO came out with a forceful, but erroneous message: “We are going to continue protecting journalists.” The phrase conveys the usual good nature and optimism that the Tabasco president usually displays who forgets to remember the 95% immunity against criminals in investigations into the murders of journalists.
The journalists have stated that they do not seek to benefit a specific journalist in reference to the confrontation between López Obrador and Carlos Loret de Mola .
The presenter seeks to denounce the president before the National Institute of Transparency for the violation of article 16 of the Mexican Constitution for revealing the salary of more than one million euros that the famous driver would receive “for considering that the right to personal data was violated” .
Loret accuses him of silencing “critical journalism” after bringing to light the mansion in Houston of the eldest son of the politician , allegedly ceded by the oil company Baker Hughes. Company that multiplied its millionaire contracts after AMLO came to power.
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