Home LifestyleArt and Culture “Cultural Embassy” of Yucatan arrives at the San Marcos National Fair

“Cultural Embassy” of Yucatan arrives at the San Marcos National Fair

by Yucatan Times
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With the participation of more than 60 Yucatecan businessmen, entrepreneurs, and artisans, the colors, flavors, and culture, Yucatan has been chosen as the guest of honor at the 2022 edition of the San Marcos National Fair (FNSM) in Aguascalientes.

The host governor, Martín Orozco Sandoval, and the governor of Yucatán, Mauricio Vila Dosal, led the opening ceremony of this event, the most important of its kind in the country, which runs until May 8, bringing together visitors from different parts of the country and the world.

In the first courtyard of the “Víctor Sandoval” House of Culture, Vila Dosal stated that it is a pleasure to participate in this Fair due to the great importance it has at the national level.

Accompanied by the secretary of Tourism of Aguascalientes and president of the Board of Trustees of the Fair, José Ángel González Serna, Vila Dosal pointed out that for Yucatecans it is a pleasure and great pride to participate in this Fair and that more and more people can get to know the products places and main tourist attractions of the Yucatan.

For this reason, he thanked the governor of Aguascalientes for the opportunity to participate in this great event since the state has brought the best of Yucatan so that people from Aguascalientes and other Mexican states can get to know the treasures of the Mayab.

“With our presence here at the fair, we want you to have a little taste of Yucatán, that you can try our products, that our artisans, that our entrepreneurs have the opportunity to broaden their horizons, to have more clients, but above all, to invite all Mexicans to visit Yucatan”, he asserted.

Vila Dosal stated that Yucatan has it all, as it has world heritage archaeological sites, four magic towns, more than 3,000 cenotes, 300 haciendas, as well as 387 kilometers of beautiful beaches.

In turn, Orozco Sandoval thanked Vila Dosal for his interest and willingness to participate as a guest state in this year’s fair, since both states have much to share and merge.

In this framework, both governors cut the inaugural ribbon of the Yucatan pavilion, which has a henequen hacienda design. It should be noted that the state is participating in the Feria de San Marcos with 30 stands, as well as the presence of more than 60 Yucatecan businessmen, entrepreneurs, and artisans.

Along with the head of the Yucatan State Secretary for Economic Development and Labor (Sefoet), Ernesto Herrera Novelo, Vila Dosal toured the various areas that Yucatan has throughout the San Marcos National Fair, where he noted the great interest that the Yucatan has generated among the visitors to this event.

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