Home LifestyleArt and Culture Preparations for the arrival of family members of the deceased during the Day of the Dead

Preparations for the arrival of family members of the deceased during the Day of the Dead

by Yucatan Times
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skull mask for dia de muertos

In preparation for the Hanal Pixan festival, the city’s cemeteries are getting ready to receive thousands of people who come to remember their faithful departed, and the Mérida City Hall is providing the corresponding maintenance.

In this regard, José Collado Soberanis, director of Municipal Public Services, explained that the 33 cemeteries in Mérida and its commissaries are being given the necessary work to be in perfect condition for the season.

“They are the 33 that exist within Merida city limits, they are all given maintenance all year round, but during this time they are given an even greater service, painting, and cleaning. The cemeteries are painted twice a year,” he explained.

He declared that they expect the arrival of more than 50 thousand people in the days leading up to the celebration of Hanal Pixan, basically, all through the month until November 2nd.

“Last time almost 50 thousand people arrived, now it is Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, so it could be that since the previous weekend people have been coming, and we are ready to receive them,” he added.

MERIDA, YUCATAN 30OCTUBRE2012.- ÒEl baile de las ‡nimasÓ es un evento que se realiza en v’speras del d’a de muertos en la Entidad. En el espect‡culo se ofrece una semblanza de las tradiciones del d’a de muertos en el Mayab; los bailes, los trajes t’picos y las ofrendas. Los participantes vestidos con ropa t’pica de la regi—n en este caso las mujeres con huipil y los hombres con guayabera y pantal—n de manta, ambos con el rostro pintado de calaveras; realizan oraciones a las ‡nimas acompa–ados con mœsica de una ÒserafinaÓ, instrumento que hace a–os sol’a estar en las novenas yucatecas. Incienso, bailes regionales, flores, juegos y un gran altar adornan el ambiente para llevar acabo la representaci—n de las ‡nimas y de esta manera dar la bienvenida a los fieles difuntos.. FOTO: FRANCISCO BALDERAS /CUARTOSCURO.COM

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