In Mérida, a maximum temperature of 31 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 23 degrees Celsius is expected.
As for rain, the probability of precipitation for this city will be 41% during the day and 25% at night.
Mérida, and in general the Yucatán peninsula, is characterized by a warm sub-humid climate with rainfall during the summer. The average temperature in this region is 26.6 degrees Celsius.
This area of Yucatán also has a long rainy season, which goes from May to January, although there can also be rainfall in the dry months, however, these do not last more than an hour and are not an impediment to activities on the beaches.
The hottest season is from April to August, when the thermometer rises to 40 degrees Celsius, while from September to January winds are common, clouding and cooling the city.
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