Home Headlines Xcalachen neighborhood in Merida is decorated with 19 murals

Xcalachen neighborhood in Merida is decorated with 19 murals

by Sofia Navarro
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“Around 10 artists specialized in graffiti technique are working in the surroundings of the Xcalachen neighborhood, south of the main square of Merida, to have 19 murals ready with themes of Yucatan’s flora, fauna, and legends, which will be part of the urban decoration of the area, before the realization of the Feria de la Chicharra 2023”, said Jose Gongora from the Makech Collective.

How many spaces are they painting on this occasion?

There are 19 murals that different Yucatecan graffiti artists are working on. In my case, three murals are being made using a sealer base technique, vinyl and aerosol paint, which are being done for free since the paints were donated by the municipality of Merida.

Who are the artists?

Among the colleagues who are working on this project are Jesus Ortiz “Mare“, Alejandro Reyes “Yester“, “Scriba“, “Noki“, “Loyal el Dude“, Rosaura Luna, “La Poli“, “Finita” and myself, if I didn’t forget anyone, but we are several artists.

How do people perceive the intervened space?

In my opinion, people are amazed by our work when they see it finished, because in this case we include designs that have to do with local flora and fauna, images like the jaguar, flowers of the region, and also mythological figures such as the god Kukulkan and other representative images of the Mayan culture, with which the people of Merida identify.

Graffiti is being seen as an artistic expression, and in many places, we are being called to paint, which demonstrates that there is more openness to graffiti, it is no longer just seen as street art or vandalism.

Who hires you?

Usually, I am hired to paint facades or interiors of restaurants, gyms, businesses, private homes, in addition to the Feria de la Chicharra project in Xcalachen. Currently, I am working on a mural of troubadours in the Palace of Music.

What is the participation of the owners?

In some cases, neighbors see us painting and approach us to ask if we can paint their walls. Sometimes, they collaborate with ideas about what they want to be portrayed, and other times we present them with a proposal already designed according to the space they have.

How much can a piece like this cost?

It’s a bit complicated to quantify a work since we base it on square meters, the type of space, the design, and the colors it can have. The most basic designs can cost around 400 or 500 pesos per square meter, and a complete mural above 5,000 pesos.

How long have you been doing street art?

I started with aerosol when I was between 13 and 14 years old. I’ve been painting for at least 20 years, and during this time, I have been able to improve my techniques, my designs, and the results when I put them on the walls of the city.

How do authorities see these works of art?

Thanks to this acceptance and the increasing professionalism of Yucatecan graffiti, it is now easier to carry out our works in broad daylight. Before, the police used to stop us even when we had the permission of the homeowner. The neighbors used to call them because they thought it was vandalism when all we were looking for were spaces to do more elaborate work.

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