Home LifestyleEntertainment Japanese Man Paid Thousands of Dollars to Look Like a Dog

Japanese Man Paid Thousands of Dollars to Look Like a Dog

by Yucatan Times
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Chasing a dream can be expensive, especially if that dream is to resemble a dog. This is what a man in Japan discovered when he paid thousands of dollars to the costume company Zeppet to create a suit that would allow him to transform into a Collie. Through a video posted on the internet, the ‘man who looks like a dog’ – as he is already known on social media – proudly showcased his ‘new fur’ and announced that he will start a documentary series where he will talk about his experiences in the appearance of the puppy ‘Toko’. This is his story.

A strange video uploaded to YouTube went viral on social media this weekend due to its unusual context: the dog starring in the footage is not an animal but a Japanese person.

In the 1-minute and 22-second clip, a Collie can be seen lying on the floor next to a small folder with leaves. Despite its peculiar movements, the furry creature does not seem much different from other puppies of its breed. However, the signs passed with its left paw reveal a surprising truth.

As stated, ‘Toko’ – the name the protagonist goes by – is a person who ‘always wanted to be an animal,’ so he had a costume made to fulfill his dream. The video concludes with the promise that he will continue sharing content on his YouTube channel based on requests received in the comments, which sparked a wave of questions, suggestions, and even congratulations for being a ‘good dog.’

Although the original video was uploaded in April 2022, it wasn’t until this week that it reached every corner of the internet, prompting dozens of articles and searches about the character.

In an interview with the Japanese site Mynavi News, the man behind the ‘Toko’ fur shared the story of his ‘transformation’ and explained that he ‘had always wanted to be an animal.’ He sought a way to fulfill his dream without resorting to surgery.

After deciding to adopt the image of a four-legged animal with long hair, the Japanese man approached the company Zeppet – responsible for creating costumes, sculptures, and practical effects for films and television series – to have them make a custom suit. 40 days and 7,000 dollars later, he received a Collie costume that has been praised by many as ‘extremely realistic.’

Following the international popularity of his video, ‘Toko’ – whose name and human identity have not been revealed – expressed gratitude for the interest shown and explained that he has been unable to respond to those who have contacted him, as he has to work in the afternoons to afford his incredible canine life.

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1 comment

Jane August 2, 2023 - 12:48 am

I think it’s funny

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