The construction works of the Ticul General Hospital are advancing at a good pace, it was reported after a supervision.
The head of the State Health Secretariat (SSY), Mauricio Sauri Vivas, and the director of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Zoé Robledo Aburto, visited the work.

Upon completion in July 2024, the hospital will have 70 beds and 15 specialties, expanding health services in the region and throughout Yucatan.
The hospital will not only benefit the inhabitants of Ticul, but will alleviate the demand for hospitals in Mérida, improving the quality of medical care for all Yucatecans.
The Ticul General Hospital was brought out of limbo
The hospital, which had been paralyzed since 2011, will come to life thanks to the collaboration between the state government, the IMSS and the company Marhnos, which dropped the lawsuit.
The IMSS director estimated that the project will be completed in July next year, with 70 beds and services in various specialties.
The work responds to a commitment of Vila Dosal with the population of Ticul, after years of waiting.
The dialogue with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was essential to resolve the situation inherited from past administrations.
Inauguration in Cacalchén
As part of the Comprehensive Development Plan for the Mayan Train, Zoé Robledo and the general director of the National Fund for Tourism Promotion (Fonatur), Javier May Rodríguez, inaugurated the expansion and remodeling of the IMSS Health Unit – Cacalchén Wellness .

The head of the IMSS pointed out that the rehabilitation and expansion of this unit is part of a social infrastructure program brought by the Mayan Train, promoted through dialogue with the communities, especially by “putting decisions in the hands of the people.”
He said that the health model promoted by the federal government is based on prevention, “that is what we are betting on in the new IMSS – Well-being, that is Denmark, a preventive model, a public and free model, of that it’s about the effort we’re making today.”
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