Home Food and Drink Yucatecan honey was internationally awarded for a second year in a row

Yucatecan honey was internationally awarded for a second year in a row

by Sofia Navarro
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For the second consecutive year, local beekeepers have raised the name of Yucatán by being recognized for their production among the best honey producers in the country.

Local producers participated in the 29th edition of the International Beekeeping Update Congress, organized by the National Association of Veterinary Specialists in Bees (Anmvea), and achieved first place, two second places, and one third place in various categories of the competition.

The international beekeeping congress was held in the state of Tlaxcala.

Producers from the municipalities of Kinchil and Hunucmá, supported by good production practices by the Kekén pork company, had previously sent their honey samples, which were judged for their quality and flavor.

The first place went to the sample from Jorge Tzuc Canté, from Kinchil, and the second place went to Miguel Ángel Pech Cocom, from Hunucmá, both in the Dark Amber Honey category.

In the Medium Amber Honey category, the beekeepers from Kinchil, José Alexis Javier Uc Pisté, and Leticia del Carmen Tzuc Chan, obtained the second and third places, respectively.

The event, held at the Tlaxcala Convention Center, brought together honey producers from 17 states in the country, who participated with a total of 65 honey samples. The categories included Light, Medium, and Dark Amber Honeys.

The samples were evaluated visually, by smell, taste, and touch.

This was the second consecutive participation of Yucatecan beekeepers supported by Kekén in this beekeeping competition coordinated by Anmvea, and once again, their production ranked among the top three places in some of the categories.

In 2022, at the 28th edition of the forum held in the state of Campeche, two Kinchil producers took the first and second places in Liquid Amber Honey.

After the announcement of the results, authorities from the local Kinchil municipality and representatives from the meat-producing company presented certificates of recognition to the participating beekeepers and winners of the event.

The Anmvea Beekeeping Update Congress serves as a national showcase focused on sharing advances and experiences related to pollination, biodiversity, industrialization, climate change, health and safety, comprehensive hive management, the bee, and its role in ecology, as well as promoting the market for bee products.

Kekén company reported that after two years of starting their beekeeping development project in the region, they have successfully trained various local producers to the point of being recognized, in November of last year, for Good Livestock Practices in Honey Production by the General Coordination of Livestock of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader) of the Mexican government.

Click here to view the PDF of our print edition exclusively dedicated to the Yucatecan beekeeping industry

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