Home Feature 3,000 trees planted in Mérida’s “Linear Park”

3,000 trees planted in Mérida’s “Linear Park”

by Yucatan Times
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Merida, Yucatan, October 7, 2023. – In order to increase tree coverage in the Parque Lineal Los Paseos and contribute to a greener and more sustainable state, the government of Mauricio Vila Dosal, together with organized civil society, Fundación Azteca and the Heineken company, will be planting 3,000 native plants in this recreational area located in the north of the city, as part of the Arborizing Yucatán strategy, through which more than 900,000 trees have been distributed in the state.

On behalf of the Governor, the head of the Ministry of Sustainable Development (SDS), Sayda Melina Rodríguez Gómez, along with the director of Entrepreneurship and Environmental Action of Fundación Azteca, César Rivas Valdivia, launched these reforestation tasks, which seek to improve the image of the park and make it a green area that helps improve the environment and the quality of life of families.

Accompanied by the director of the Institute of Mobility and Territorial Urban Development (Imdut), Héctor Sánchez Tirado, the state official planted one of the first trees of the day, which was of the chakté species, thus initiating the tree planting work.

In this context, the official emphasized that, in alliance with the private initiative and civil society, Governor Vila Dosal’s instruction to create more green spaces in Yucatan is being followed, adding to the actions that are being implemented in favor of the environment and a more sustainable state.

In the Parque Lineal Los Paseos, through the Arborizing Yucatan program, 3,000 native plants of the Balché, Campanita, Cedros, Xcanlol species, among others, will be planted.

With the “Arborizing Yucatan” program, the current state administration has distributed more than 900,000 trees in 97 municipalities, representing 2,774.05 hectares planted with trees. Thus, the state is advancing in its transformation and at the same time increasing forest cover throughout the state.

It is important to highlight that, with the delivery of almost 1 million plants from the Arborizing Yucatan program, the initial goal established at the beginning of the present administration, which consisted of distributing and planting 600 thousand trees, has been surpassed, so that, with the tasks carried out to date, it can be translated into 150% progress, with respect to the original objective, thanks to the joint work carried out with society.

Similarly, the goals of the strategy include actions to guarantee the environmental services provided by native trees, strengthening the biodiversity of the state, as well as promoting the sustainable use of natural resources.

This is why 100,000 native plants are provided each year as part of this strategy, thanks to the participation of society, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and municipalities through various events to cover 333.33 hectares reforested and planted with trees per year.

To this effect, the native plant production scheme was strengthened in the 5 nurseries that the State Government has, in order to guarantee the adequate reproduction of 75 native tree species that have a high percentage of adaptation and survival. In the case of the city of Merida, specific species are proposed that in the future will allow greater environmental services and less risk to the urban infrastructure.

Arborizing Yucatan also works with universities through the program (REDUS) State Network of Sustainable Universities through a collaborative digital platform that seeks to recognize and highlight the actions and efforts in sustainable development that higher education institutions carry out or have carried out, both within the university, as well as in spaces where the participation of society has been involved.

Thus, this Network is promoted as a space for the exchange of ideas, experiences and opportunities for the promotion of new projects and actions with a vision towards sustainable development in the state.

In addition, all of the Network’s activities are aligned with and contribute to the UN’s 2030 Agenda. In this strategy we already have a total of 21 universities, one of them is the Anáhuac Mayab University, present here, an institution that has always been active in all the activities provided by the State Government.

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