Home Headlines Mauricio Vila Dosal is the New President of the Conago

Mauricio Vila Dosal is the New President of the Conago

by Yucatan Times
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On Monday, October 9th, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal assumed the presidency of the National Conference of Governors (Conago) and during his speech, he emphasized that the true transformation of Mexico is achieved through effective coordination, unity of efforts, and a long-term vision as a guide.

During President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s usual morning press conference at the National Palace, Vila Dosal stated that it is necessary to plan and share future goals. Therefore, the best way to progress will be through joint work because “I believe that dialogue is the expression of politics, and respecting our differences is essential to strengthen our democracy.”

After acknowledging the work done by the previous president of the Conference, Governor Salomón Jara Cruz of Oaxaca, Vila Dosal pointed out that the next year will be crucial for our country as various moments, projects, and issues converge, and politics should not distract us from our duties. All governors agree on this.

In his message, the new Conago president noted that many of the members of this organization are nearing the end of their administrations, and it is vital that projects and actions follow a logic of coordination. Many of the projects in our states will be the foundation for making Mexico a more productive and prosperous country.

“Therefore, in the Conago, we will continue working with the vision of consolidating the different regions of Mexico based on their productive vocations and through coordination among states to promote new projects. As a country, we have commercial and economic opportunities that allow economic development to also become social development,” Vila Dosal stated.

Regarding this, the Governor mentioned that we have a physical border with the United States, and in the southeast, we are consolidating a new maritime border and opening new commercial possibilities with the world thanks to the projects we are promoting.

“As a result, many countries are looking at Mexico to relocate their investments, which will generate well-paying jobs for our people. In this sense, infrastructure projects must be a priority to lay the foundations for our development,” Vila Dosal expressed.

The Conago president acknowledged that all of this is a great challenge, but there is no need to do it alone because it is always best to join forces to overcome all the challenges and obstacles we encounter along the way. Fortunately, this space is ideal for achieving this goal.

In this regard, Vila Dosal stated that from Yucatán and now leading the Conago, we reaffirm our willingness for dialogue and cooperation to continue being the means to make our country prosper for the benefit of all Mexicans.

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