Home Feature Angel’s dreams

Angel’s dreams

by Yucatan Times
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In the silent corridors inside of Merida’s Hospital O’Horan, where the ticking of clocks echoes the passage of endless moments, there exists a poignant reality—children fighting an unfathomable battle against cancer. Their youthful vigor should be spent in playful exploration, not in the sterile confines of treatment rooms. Cancer, an adversary far beyond their comprehension, snatches away their innocence, replacing it with uncertainty and pain.

Picture a child, their laughter subdued by the gravity of illness, their dreams eclipsed by the shadows of chemotherapy. They navigate a landscape of fear and needles, longing for a glimpse of normalcy amidst the chaos. In this world of adversity, our collective empathy can make a difference.

Seventeen years ago, on June 14, 2006, a group of volunteers decided to visit and support children with cancer during their treatment. Since then, they have joined forces with the public sector and formed Sueños de Ángel (Angel’s Dreams), a Civil Association before Notary Public number 72, attorney Jorge Ramón Peniche Aznar, with headquarters in Mérida, Yucatán. This organization’s spirit and driving force is to satisfy children’s dreams. We are committed to fulfilling to the best of our possibilities to bring happiness and joy to these little angels.

Today, Sueños de Ángel A.C. has five people on the board of directors commanded by Atenea Evia, more than 40 volunteers, plus many other generous, kind individuals who believe that children with cancer need more than chemotherapy, medicine, treatment, and hospitals. They must smile and laugh out loud because there is no better medicine than love. The civil association intends to continue exhausting all possibilities, fulfilling the children’s deepest desires, and providing comprehensive psychological, spiritual, thanatological, socio-cultural, and economic support to kids and their families.

Before you leave, ponder: Can I make a child happy? A small gesture—a toy, a story, a moment of joy—has the potential to create ripples of happiness in their daunting journey. Each act of kindness becomes a balm for their wounds, a beacon of hope in the bleakest hours. Also, consider: can I help save the life of a child? Sueños de Angel needs funding for:

  • Medicines
  • Medical materials
  • Rental of surgical materials.
  • Medical studies
  • Port-a-cath needles
  • Catheters
  • Pediasure Food Supplement.
  • Rental of surgical material
  • Doctor’s fees and consultations
  • Surgery fees 

We ask for your help. Join Sueños de Angel, help save a child’s life, and touch a family’s heart. For in our shared compassion lies the ability to brighten the days of these brave warriors battling an enemy far beyond their years.

If you want to reach out to Sueños de Angel, please do so at:

To learn more about the organization, please visit their website and social media at:

Please help us, help them!

For Times Media Mexico / The Yucatan Times Newsroom


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