Home Headlines Renán Barrera tours Yaxcabá as part of his campaign

Renán Barrera tours Yaxcabá as part of his campaign

by Yucatan Times
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Producers of the “Huertos Familiares” program meet with the coordinator of the Yucatán Team to work together in the Yucatecan.

Yaxcabá, Yucatán on December 8, 2023.- “During these days of pre-campaign they have shared with me the need to bet on the Yucatecan countryside, we have to strengthen the producers so that they earn more, that is why we are going to work as an “only equipment to build programs that increase their family economy,” expressed Renán Barrera Concha to farmers from Kancabdzonot, Chimay, Yaxunah, Popolá, Santa María, and Yokdzonot.

At the invitation of the Association of Rural Producers of the Primary Sector of Yucatán (APREDEY), Barrera Concha met with a group of beneficiaries of the “Huertos Familiares” program. At this meeting, he highlighted and congratulated the producers for their work: “Growing evenly means being supportive and generous, as well as the producers of Yaxcabá with whom we are going to team up so that everyone earns more.”

«As a pre-candidate, I want you to know that you can count on me, we are going to work as a team to make agriculture a business. My goal is to build programs that accompany them in the production process, ensuring that they can sell their products at a fair price. “I already did it in Mérida, and I want to replicate it throughout Yucatán,” he stated.

Come election time, I will return with concrete proposals, and we will manage more and better tools for honest and hard-working people. Let’s go with everything! he emphasized.

For her part, Sandra María Canul Poot, beneficiary of the Huertos Familiares project, expressed that the program has been an incentive for her economy by producing her own food, which could be improved if they included more inputs such as hoses and shade netting to improve production.

«In this police station, we know how to work, and we produce our food at home, therefore, the Family Garden program has benefited us, but we need more tools to increase our production. Taking advantage of Don Renán’s visit, we expressed our support for his project and we trust that he will continue to promote the activity of the field,” he added.

Later, as part of his journey through this municipality, Renán Barrera held a meeting with the PAN militancy of Yaxcabá, to whom he confirmed his commitment and dedication to working hand in hand with them to achieve the objective of improving conditions for all municipalities. , ensuring that they prosper, obtain greater benefits, and live in a safe state.

“We are in time to collect proposals for a better state, because if we want Yucatán to do well, all the municipalities have to do well as well,” he indicated.

Let’s team up, he said, let’s work hand in hand to defend Yaxcabá and all of Yucatán from parties that want to steal the social peace in which we live.

Finally, accompanied by Reina Cob Balam, president of the Municipal Steering Committee of Yaxcabá, Barrera Concha presented the certificate as coordinator of the Yucatán team in the municipality to Genrry Pacab and congratulated him on this assignment.

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