Home Feature Yucatecan  psychologist quits her career to embrace her love for  pets

Yucatecan  psychologist quits her career to embrace her love for  pets

by Yucatan Times
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Cinthia Martínez is a Yucatecan who, after a successful career as a psychologist, decided to leave everything to follow her true passion, caring for kittens and puppies at home.

In a talk, she said that for years she worked in the field of psychology, but she discovered her love for animals while taking care of the pets of friends and family, so she decided to make a complete turn in her career and embark on pet care.

“Some friends began to ask me to take care of their kittens and then came a time when I did it informally until one day I realized that it was what I liked and then I left my job. I felt comfortable so I felt better taking care of kittens and that’s how more people started contacting me through word of mouth,” says Cinthia.

In the case of taking care of dogs, he provides daily walks in nearby streets or parks where he always carries bags to collect the dogs’ feces but also feeds them and gives them affection.

“In the case of kittens, I change their sand, if they need to take medication, I also give them the medicine, I play with them and I love to pet them and listen to their purr,” he said.

He indicated that those who hire the service are normally people who go on a trip for work or perhaps for the holiday season, avoid letting their pets be left alone, or do not trust taking them on pet stays, which is why Cinthia has become a beloved and reliable figure for many pet owners. “I almost always move around the center of Mérida with a fee of 100 pesos, depending on the distance, but it does not exceed 250 and I think it is much cheaper for the owners and I appreciate the trust because they not only trust me with their dogs or kittens. but his entire house,” he said.

TYT Newsroom

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