Home Columns Why is the Resurrection of Christ so important for Catholics and Christians?

Why is the Resurrection of Christ so important for Catholics and Christians?

by Yucatan Times
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The resurrection of Jesus Christ is important for those who profess the Catholic religion or any of its Christian variants, found in Protestantism. To believe in the resurrection is to believe in God, his existence, and his infinite power.

To speak of God is to speak of the creator and his power over everything, which includes the power to raise the dead. The creator of life has the power to face death and reverse that process. The resurrection of Christ speaks to us and reminds us of his absolute sovereignty over life and death. The resurrection of Jesus Christ, a pillar of the Christian faith, validates who Jesus claimed to be, on this earthly plane, that is, the son of God and Messiah.

However, we do not forget that Jesus Christ is God in the figure of the Father, in the figure of the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Trinity.

Another reason why the resurrection of Jesus Christ is important is that it proves his divine nature and the supreme validation of his deity, authenticating his claims that he would resurrect on the third day.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. If Jesus was not resurrected, then no one would have the hope of resurrecting. Without that savior, there would be no salvation, no hope of eternal life, and as Paul said, more words, fewer words: “Faith would be vain, the gospel impotent, and sins unforgivable.”

“I am the Resurrection and the Life,” said Jesus Christ. Blessed are those whose faith allows them to believe that there is only resurrection with Christ, as well as eternal life. Use this Easter Sunday to meditate very well on the transcendence of your souls, but above all your life in this world.

Ask yourself today, in this rebirth: Do I really honor the teachings of Christ? Am I everything that Jesus expects of me? Do I live my life according to his teachings? Do I live to serve two masters? Be careful that your doubt does not turn into questioning, questioning into an act of rebellion, and this into one of disobedience.

From my heart, I hope everyone, faith or not, has its answers.

For Times Media Mexico

José E. Urioste P.

  • Merida Yucatan.
  • March 31, 2024

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