Home Headlines Electrical network under “stress”: Blackouts will continue on the Peninsula

Electrical network under “stress”: Blackouts will continue on the Peninsula

by Yucatan Times
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Although it is unthinkable, the CFE electrical network is stressed due to an excessive demand for supply to mitigate the extreme heat that prevails in Yucatán.

And one of its main methods to avoid a major collapse of the state, regional and national system are scheduled power outages or annoying blackouts that occur automatically.

According to the Doctor in Material Sciences Applied to Energy, Rubén Domínguez Maldonado, professor-researcher at the Anáhuac Mayab University, there is a long “treatment” to reduce this electrical stress: energy awareness.

This means energy savings in each home, business, industry, or public office, while the definitive solution arrives with the entry into operation of the two new combined cycle electricity generation plants being built in Mérida and Valladolid.

What Dr. Domínguez Maldonado does not doubt about is that this extreme heat that prevails in the Peninsula, in Mexico and on planet Earth is derived from climate change.

Why do blackouts occur?
“These blackouts, to a large extent, are due to the greater demand for energy in businesses, industries and homes and the electricity generation is the same,” the expert responded.

“This imbalance causes the National Energy Control Center (Cenace) to carry out scheduled cuts in certain areas to de-stress the power lines and avoid further damage to the network and transformers,” Domínguez Maldonado continued.

“If the CFE do not conduct these power outages, the results would be worst than blackouts because the excessive heat would damage lines, transformers and other infrastructure, which would make the repairs more expensive and time-consuming, and that could result in longer blackouts,” he concluded.

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