Home LifestyleArt and Culture Counted thread Yucatecan embroidery technique preserved in Sotuta primary school

Counted thread Yucatecan embroidery technique preserved in Sotuta primary school

by Yucatan Times
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Second, fourth and sixth grade students from the “Pedro Pablo Echeverría” primary school, in the municipality of Sotuta, participated in the “Weaving Dreams” project in which they learned embroidery techniques with the counted thread technique (Xokbil Chuuy, in maya), as part of the CARE program that addresses socio-ecological realities and connects them to the school curriculum while promoting teacher training actions with value to the System Unit for the Career of Teachers.

In the project, which was promoted by the school’s teaching and management staff, 80 students participated in actions of articulation and connection of local knowledge with school knowledge, addressing social concerns in school environments. In this way, with the participation of mothers and local artisans, results were obtained in the learning of the students, such as the design and production of pieces such as napkins, packages, handbags, among others.

Like this project developed in the municipality of Sotuta, the CARE program has promoted the connection with the family not only immediate such as dad or mom but also with grandparents, and achieved greater participation and interest of families in the work that is carried out. develops in the school, so in the recently concluded school year, 41 preschool and primary schools, both indigenous and regular, were served, through the State Strategy for Enriched Learning Environments, with an impact on more than 2 thousand families with topics such as: care of melipona bees, healthy feeding of the cornfields, reforestation of communities, planting of backyard gardens, migration, care for the elderly, recovering huano tissue, among many others.

Yaritza Escamilla Tuyub, director of the campus, explained that the “Weaving Dreams” project lasted three months, beginning with the identification of a situation in the community: it was necessary to highlight and preserve the cultural identity

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