Home Headlines A child is born in an SSP ambulance on the Buctzotz-Izamal road

A child is born in an SSP ambulance on the Buctzotz-Izamal road

by Yucatan Times
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The Ministry of Public Security (SSP) announced that, at 4:45 a.m. on Thursday, September 26, a child was born aboard one of their ambulances.

Moments before, relatives of Mrs. Verónica Mirón León, at 39 weeks of gestation, had requested help from the emergency number 911 because she was experiencing labor pains.

The SSP ambulance stationed at the Temax base immediately went to the family’s home in the municipality of Buctzotz.

After assessing the woman’s condition, the paramedics loaded her into the ambulance to take her to the IMSS clinic in Izamal. However, it was necessary to stop along the way to receive the baby, who had good color and was crying vigorously.

Minutes later, they continued to the clinic so the mother and newborn could receive medical care. The paramedics who attended the birth were Santiago Polanco and Rodolfo Peniche.

TYT Newsroom

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