Home LifestyleEntertainment Merida food vendors return to Plaza Grande on Sunday

Merida food vendors return to Plaza Grande on Sunday

by Yucatan Times
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The Mérida en Domingo program returned in its entirety to the Plaza Grande on Sunday, October 6th, with the installation of food stands and marquesitas.

Last Sunday, September 29, the artisans returned to the original headquarters of the program, after six months of being in the Santa Ana park due to the remodeling of the Plaza Grande.

Ileana Rodríguez May, owner of a food stand, shared that the 18 stands were left in the same hallway on 63rd Street.

“The only issue is that we are a little tight, but we have done well on this first day,” she said.

Ileana Rodríguez said that they were informed that this month they would be on trial since it is not certain that this relocation will be the definitive one established by the City Council.

Kevin Josué, who is a waiter, said that on his first day of work, he saw many different people, from other places and countries and that he liked that a lot.

“Many white people have come to eat, I think some were from Denmark and they pointed out on their phone what they wanted to order, “I like this job,” she said.

Ligia Candelaria Gurbiel Trejo, a vendor at a food stand, expressed her joy at returning to the Plaza Grande.

“We are grateful to the mayor who allowed us to return because things didn’t go well for us in Santa Ana,” she said.

The stands must be closed at 8:30 at night, leaving their spaces clean and free of trash. These were the conditions for selling in the place again.


On the Plaza Grande, the artisans’ stands look more crowded.

Artisan Alejandra Domínguez García said that now they are selling because the food stands usually attract more customers, as does the cultural program.

“All the dancing and the food brings us more sales, it’s a win-win for everyone,” said the embroidered clothing artisan.

The Plaza Grande was filled with people coming and going, stopping to ask questions, buy, eat, and take photos of the surroundings.

Tourist José Luis Rumillo Balderas said he was waiting for Sunday to see the typical dances he had been told about. “Everything was very nice, they have exceptional traditions and the main square was perfect.”

Canadian tourist Johana Mills said she thought everything was nice, from the Cathedral to the people.

“The food is delicious and everything is so pretty,” said the tourist while eating a Marquesita.

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