Wearing the typical garment of Yucatan, about a thousand women thronged the main halls of the Yucatán Siglo XXI Convention Centre, on the occasion of the first edition of the “Great Terno Breakfast”, an altruistic event organized by famous Meridano fashion designer David Solomon.
Delicate floral patterns and birds embroidered along with jewels, filigree and coral made the hall overflow with elegance, motivating the younger generations to continue this wonderful tradition of the terno ‘one of the most important and valuable jewels’ of Yucatecan culture.

Derechos Reservados. ©. Material Original de: El Diario de Yucatán. Calle 60 No. 521, entre 67 y 65, Centro. Mérida, Yucatán. “En imágenes, los colores y la elegancia del Gran Desayuno del Terno”, 2016.
“I think every Yucatecan woman must be especially proud to wear more than one year of artistic work handmade by talented artisans of the Yucatan,” said David Solomon in a promotional video of the event.
The Yucatecan designer explained that over time the use of the terno has been waning, since the Maya artisans managed to sell two or three dresses a year, but now they can hardly sell one.
With these kind of events, the people are encouraged to acquire this traditional ladies clothing, and wear it along with other items that complement it, such as shawls, ribbons, flowers and shoes; as a mean to reactivate the local economy.

Derechos Reservados. ©. Material Original de: El Diario de Yucatán. Calle 60 No. 521, entre 67 y 65, Centro. Mérida, Yucatán. “En imágenes, los colores y la elegancia del Gran Desayuno del Terno”, 2016.
During the “Great Terno breakfast”, an exhibition of photographs of different pieces and personalities who have proudly worn this traditional costume was displayed.
Then, fashion designer David Solomon presented the ‘Made in Yucatan’ award to Maria Teresa Cazola Bravo, businesswoman who managed to build her nationally recognized pastry brand via the Internet.
The money collected at the event was donated to the Mexican Red Cross Delegation in Merida and to the Foundation for Health in Yucatan, A.C.
Source: http://www.mexiconewsnetwork.com/
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