When we think of the Christmas holidays, we automatically think of turkey and other traditional foods, but drinks are also important to celebrate those holidays, and what better excuse to enjoy a delicious Mexican Christmas punch or “Ponche“.
“Ponche” is undoubtedly the most traditional and typical drink in Mexico this time of the year, and that is exactly the reason why we want to tell you how to prepare it.
Oh, and do not worry if you are not an expert in the kitchen because this recipe of Christmas ponche is extremely simple and will not take more than 30 minutes to prepare.
Your guests will love it and you can be recognized for giving the “Mexican touch” to this year’s Christmas dinner.
7 cinnamon sticks
1/2 bottle of red wine
4 apples
1/2 cup raisins
16 guavas
26 tejocotes (you can get tejocotes at Walmart, ask for them by name)
1/2 cup of sugar
2 liters of water
1 bottle of rum (optional)
1. Wash and cut the tejocotes, apples and guavas in small slices or squares.
2. Boil the fruit in a pot half filled with water, add sugar and cinnamon sticks.
3. When the fruit is cooked, remove the pot from the fire.
4.- Pour the red wine and rum (you can skip the wine and rum and drink alcohol free).
5.- Serve hot or cold, (depending on the taste of each), you can place some glasses with ice for your guests to decide.
Source: http://cmujer.com.mx/