CANCÚN — At least 185,000 Quintana Roo residents currently earn $80.4 pesos a day, approximately $4.20 USD that is the minimum wage authorized by the National Minimum Wage Commission (Comisión Nacional de Salario Mínimo, Conasami), from which they feed, clothe and educate a little more than 400,000 people.
That means the purchasing power of at least 45 percent of Quintana Roo’s families has decreased between 10 and 23.5 percent.

(La Verdad Noticias)
How many things can you buy with the minimum wage in Cancún?
Roberto Ovilla Hernández, a tourist worker, said that “the tips that he received in this tourist destination are the only alternative to support his family. The truth is that tips are no longer the same as before, now All Inclusive hotels are utterly affecting us”.
No matter the situation in the destination, Roberto knows he has a duty to provide support for his wife and two children, and what worries him is that in the coming weeks he will be buying school supplies for his children.
Roberto’s monthly salary is $2,492 pesos ($131 USD) plus tips, which in good fortnights can be up to $4,000 pesos ($210 USD), but in others less than $1,100 pesos ($57 USD).
Like Roberto, at least 445,000 people survive with the minimum wage in Quintana Roo and another 107,000 are in extreme poverty, according to the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social , Coneval).
In the municipality of Benito Juárez and Isla Mujeres, the Revolutionary Confederation of Workers and Peasants (Confederación Revolucionaria de Obreros y Campesinos, CROC) estimates that 29,000 workers survive with the minimum wage.
For Roberto, the economic crisis is not a new issue, but this 2017 was one of the worst years in his memory.
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