During the first months of 2018, Yucatan continued with the lowest registers in high impact crimes in the national scope, according to the results reported by the “traffic light” organization (www.semaforo.com.mx).
In the last quarter of 2017, according to the reports of January and February, Yucatan still the state where residents live with greater confidence and in a climate of peace, according to the statistics of the civil organization presided by Santiago Roel RodrÃguez, which is based on the official figures of the Executive Secretariat of the National Security System.
In the most recent analysis of the citizen project “Semáforo delictivo“, at the end of February, Yucatan added seven green lights, out of a total of 11 classifications, having the lowest criminal index in all of Mexico in the”red light” categories of homicide, kidnapping, extortion, car robbery, house and business robbery, injuries, rape, and three new items were incorporated: drug dealing, family violence and feminicide.
The figures, until Wednesday, February 28, showed that four intentional murders, zero kidnappings and extortion cases were reported in the Yucatecan territory. 30 vehicle thefts and 18 businesses. In addition, there were 28 cases of injuries, 166 cases of domestic violence; zero femicides, and 16 detentions linked to drug dealing.
The Yucatecan municipalities with the most red lights are:
- Mérida with four: homicides, vehicle and business theft, and family violence.
- Tekax with two, for car thefts and family violence.
- Hunucmá with one, for plundering homes.
- Ticul and Umán, with one car theft in both cases.
In addition, based on the analysis of the National Survey of Victimization and Perception of Public Security (Envipe) and the Mexico Peace Index (IPM) 2017, prepared by the Institute for Economics and Peace, Yucatan is the state in which fewer crimes occurred, which support the data of the specialized firm Lantia Consultores that last year positioned the state at the bottom of the list, with the lowest number of homicides with an average of 1.9, within a rate per 100, 000 inhabitants.
The statistics of Yucatan contrast remarkably with the other entities, according to the www.semaforo.com.mx classification.
Another edge of the survey of the organism are the conclusions in six Yucatecan municipalities, where all the lights are green; that is to say, they give good numbers in the 11 points that the civil organization qualifies.
www.semaforo.com.mx shows positive results for the municipalities of KanasÃn, Oxkutzcab, Chemax, Motul, TizimÃn and Valladolid. All of them with zero kidnappings, extortions and feminicides..
The www.semaforo.com.mx methodology:
- Green: within the goal of 25 percent reduction. The strategy must continue and be reinforced.
- Yellow: Between the average and the goal. There is a positive reduction, but work has to be done to achieve green.
- Red: Above the historical average. The strategy is not working.
Source: yucatan.com.mx