In order to capture the attention of citizens, the four candidates for the governorship of Yucatán (Mauricio Sahuí Rivero, Mauricio Vila Dosal, Joaquín Díaz Mena and Jorge Zavala Castro) endeavored to recite their proposals on three issues adressed in the first debate:
- Security and justice
- Human rights, corruption and transparency
- Accountability
The PAN and Movimiento Ciudadano standard bearer Mauricio Vila Dosal, who accused the PRI, PVEM and PANAL standard bearer, Mauricio Sahuí Rivero, several times during the debate.
Trying to show superiority, Vila Dosal minimized the candidates of MORENA, PT and PES, Joaquín Díaz Mena and from the PRD, Jorge Zavala Castro: “I’m here to debate against the PRI candidate” he said at the moment of introducing himself.
However, the PRI’s candidate, Mauricio Sahuí, did not give importance to Vila’s provocations, and focused on his proposals showing sobriety, knowledge and management of the situation.
Morena’s candidate, Joaquín Díaz Mena, got hooked on some of the accusations made by the PRI and PAN, but he devoted most of his time to talk about his proposals and seeking to capture the sympathy of the citizens.
On his part, the candidate of the PRD, Jorge Zavala, demonstrated to have knowledge about real problems faced by the Yucatecan society and he was the only one that focused one hundred percent to give concrete and real proposals in order to solve existing problems.
While the other three candidates, Vila, Sahui and Diaz Mena were attacking each other, Zavala from the PRD dedicated himself to take advantage of his time to convince the public that he is the best option to be governor of Yucatán.
The proposals
The aspirants presented their proposals on gender violence, insecurity, corruption and impunity during this first institutional debate.
Gender violence
Mauricio Sahuí (PRI) proposes to create a unique protocol for the attention of women victims of violence and state shelters.
Jorge Zavala (PRD) proposes to increase the number of police agents.
Joaquín Díaz (PT) to ensure security and protect women from any kind of violence.
Mauricio Vila (PAN) proposes more gender alerts, an institute that helps empower women throughout the state and a pink line that serves victims of gender violence 24/7, 365 days a year.
Road safety
Jorge Zavala (PRD) proposes to expand the road culture program in schools, by handling tests. Have a recidivism control with alcohol, drugs and withdrawing the license of second offenders.
Joaquín Díaz (PT) will seek to reduce the deaths of pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclist and people with disabilities. And he also proposed an urban transportation route along Mérida’s Perférico, called Peribus.
Mauricio Vila Dosal (PAN), proposes to improve public transportation as well as the periferico and having full side roads all across the state.
Mauricio Sahuí (PRI) proposes to organize the Perférico and to generate spaces for coexistence so that people can enjoy public spaces without being threatened by motor vehicles.
Combat Impunity and promote transparency
Joaquín Mena (PT) said that his government will comply with the transparency law, will have internal organs in the Secretariats of State and an “Open” Government model.
Mauricio Vila Dosal (PAN) proposes the creation of a Council for the preparation of budget follow-up, in which citizens would approve the budget before the Congress does.
Mauricio Sahuí (PRI) pointed out that there will be total openness for citizens to monitor the governor´s work through a “digital government platform” that will assure total transparency.
Jorge Zavala (PRD) said he will create technical committees that will monitor the funds of all government projects, and that he will also bring international investment to Yucatán.