Home NewsCrime Victim of “Porno-venganza” (porno revenge) is now promoter of new law in Yucatán

Victim of “Porno-venganza” (porno revenge) is now promoter of new law in Yucatán

by Yucatan Times
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Mérida.- Five years have passed since Yucatecan Ana Baquedano went through that terrible experience. “It does not hurt as before but the feeling remains,” she said.

Now this memory forces her to continue in the struggle to alert other women so they are not victims of “Porno-venganza” (porno revenge); and made her become one of the main promoters of the new law against this crime in Yucatan, which will be punished with jail.

Ana Baquedano Celorio, 23 years old, tells her story: “When I was 17, I agreed to take a picture with my bare chest and send it to my boyfriend at the time, not knowing that this person was going to release the image without my permission. I became the target of mockery, criticism and insults, and this situation caused a big conflict for me and my family.

Ana was a studient of Marketing and after her photo went viral on social networks, she decided to leave College due to the constant harassment she was experiencing. Currently she is studying Psychology at a different education institute.

After going through a therapeutic process, she met again with the person who disseminated her photograph on the web without her authorization, and this guy (cowardly) denied having done so.

“I do not resent anyone, I managed to overcome the situation and fortunately I had the support of my mother and my brothers, of people who understood my position and supported me at all times,” she told EL UNIVERSAL.

Ana considers herself an enterprising woman with a desire to help other women and spare them from going through such a dreadful experience. She has become a lecturer and promoter, and she plays a vital role as part of the Escudo Yucatán program launched the state government, warning other potential victims of “Porno-venganza“.

TYT Newsroom with information from El Universal

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