Home Headlines Strong boost to rural projects in the state of Yucatán

Strong boost to rural projects in the state of Yucatán

by Yucatan Times
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“Today, Yucatan is in the top 10 states in the country with the highest agricultural production, fishing and genetics in animals”, said Pablo Castro Alcocer, secretary of Rural Development of the State.

“We have placed Yucatan not only in the eyes of the country, but of the world,” the secretary said during the inauguration of the Yucatan Agroalimentary Fair 2018, which was held in the facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (Sagarpa).

120 projects from Yucatecan communities were showcased during the event, with the support of specialists from the Secretariat of Rural Development (Seder), better known as “extensionists”.

A forum was also held where they shared their experiences on how to exchange and combine their knowledge with producers in order to improve their processes.

Castro Alcocer declared that the state’s food sector has grown in terms of production and exports to international markets, in levels never reached before by Yucatecan products.

“Yucatecan producers should be proud because they have proven over the years to be highly competitive in national and international markets,” Castro Alcocer continued.

Luis Ernesto Martinez Ordaz, state delegate of the Sagarpa, stressed that with synergy and equipment among the levels of government in Yucatan, work has been done to boost the potential of the Yucatecan rural sector for productive projects.

“This meeting is to get up close and work with more confidence in the development of the primary sector and its link with value added chains,” said Marínez Ordaz.

The federal official pointed out that thanks to the combination of efforts, the Agrifood Fair highlights the fine quality products that the state offers.

Habanero, pitahaya, papaya, honey, pork, quail, rabbit, tilapia, prawns and organic products were some of the items exhibited at the Agrifood Fair, promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fishing and Food (Sagarpa) in coordination with the State Government.

Source: yucatan.com.mx

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