Considered emblematic of Chetumal, capital of Quintana Roo, the wooden houses will again be the subject of a special rescue program by the Institute of Culture and the Arts (ICA), although it is still not known where the resources for this project will be obtained.
According to the head of the ICA, Jacqueline Estrada Peña, there is already a budget considered by the state government, since the project was already presented to the Secretary of Finance and Planning (SEFIPLAN) for its analysis and eventual approval.
Jacqueline Estrada Peña explained that they already held a meeting with authorities of the SEFIPLAN to propose the project that consists in rehabilitating the Anglo-Caribbean wooden houses that still remain standing in Chetumal.
“The proposal is to carry out the project in different stages, as it is being done in the reconstruction of the Historic Center of Tihosuco (Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo) and we are intending to rehabilitate six or seven of these houses every year” she explained.

Jacqueline Estrada said that the intention is to cover the totality of wooden houses that are still standing on Avenida 5 de Mayo, one of the main avenues of the state capital.
She explained that the intention is to have resources so that the owners of the buildings can perform maintenance and reconstruction, without breaking with the scheme and structure of these houses.
It is estimated that Chetumal still has an average of 150 wooden houses, the most famous being the so-called “Casa Voladora“, which was dragged and moved from its original location by the effects of Hurricane Janet in the 1950s, but remans standing.