WASHINGTON D.C. (CNN) – US President Donald Trump is working on new divisions on immigration before his State of the Union Address which is likely to offer a more reliable guide of praising himself and his actions for next year than the typical national unity speech or at least that is expected on Tuesday night.
With Caravans marching through Mexico and toward our Country, Republicans must be prepared to do whatever is necessary for STRONG Border Security. Dems do nothing. If there is no Wall, there is no Security. Human Trafficking, Drugs and Criminals of all dimensions – KEEP OUT!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
The Twitter outbreak shattered the White House statements about Trump trying to heal old wounds, overcome divisions and use the annual speech before a large television audience to project optimism.
This might not be a coincidence since it came shortly after “Axios” published filtered calendars painting a critical picture of a president who spends hours a day in disorganized “executive time”.
Trump’s efforts at disruption are quite instructive since —the general public listen less everyday— they generally revive his “slash and burn” style so well liked among his supporters. That is one reason why it will be important to observe how Trump behaves before and after his speech on the State of the Union, instead of the tone of his television litanies.
The most obvious political strategy for a president who is underwater, with his approval rating descending after a humiliating defeat for the closure of the government and with the Russian scandal approaching his way, it would be clear to any other president except Trump. A conventional president would emphasize unity and seek to expand his support.
Not Trump… In a time of discordant national political divisions, he should use a softened rhetoric about immigration, since most polls show that it has the support of less than half of the country on that issue and instead emphasize about his stable economy and job creation figures instead of partisan coups or hard-line views on the most divisive issues.
But then again… Trump has his own way to do things.
The Yucatan Times