Football is a worldwide sport, the most popular in the world. There are pitches made for games in every possible corner of …
Art and CultureCulturaHeadlinesLifestyleTravel
Guanajuato celebrates a unique tradition of Holy Week: The Judea
Guanajuato, Gto., (March 31, 2021).- In Purísima del Rincón, Guanajuato, there is a traditional representation of Holy Week whose protagonist is Judas Iscariot, the apostle who …
Mérida, Yucatán, (March 23, 2021).- Yucatán has its own Museum of Death, a space with objects and documents related to this particular subject in …
CulturaHistoric YucatanLocal NewsNewsYucatan
Discovery in Yucatan: cave with millenary handprints of Maya children
Mérida, Yucatán, (March 18, 2021).- In the southern tip of the state of Yucatán, inside a cave whose location has not been yet …
They star in the documentary series Once Upon a Bite: how to prepare PIB. Mérida, Yucatán (March 16, 2021).- Yucatán will be part of …
Art and CultureCulturaEntertainmentExpat CommunityHeadlinesLifestyle
City Hall invites more than 200 artists in the return of the “Olimpo Cultural” Season
Mérida, Yucatán (March 3).- With more than 200 events in which more than 250 artists will share their talent in different disciplines, …
Currently, Mexico has a UFO and it is not an Unidentified Flying Object For the majority of people, the emotion engendered by …
TIJUANA B.C. Mexico – Perhaps the greatest signature line – and policy – of the Trump administration has been to “build that …
ColumnsCulturaFeatureMeridaThe Column
The mysteries of the Cathedral of Merida, a Christian and Mayan house of worship.
The Yucatan Times would like to welcome renowned anthropologist Indalecio Cardeña who as of this Friday, January 17 2020, will be presenting …
Christmas in Yucatan is usually accompanied by a mild, nice fresh weather. Families usually take the time to shop for that perfect …