A video circulates on social media where a horse is seen traveling through the streets of the Center of Merida, Yucatán, pulling …
animal rights
Mexican Senate analyzes reform on dolphins and other animals
The Senate of the Republic will analyze this week the reforms to the General Wildlife Law, approved by the Chamber of Deputies, …
Congressman admits that there is still a need to regulate the use of animals for work in Yucatán MÉRIDA.- Harry Rodríguez Botello …
In Yucatan, activists insist on putting an end to animal abuse
Merida Yucatan, (May 07, 2021).- Animal rights defenders raised their voices against the mistreatment that is still present in Yucatán and all of …
Larger Fines and sanctions against cases of abuse The State’s Criminal Code considers animal abuse a crime, but the lack of follow-up …