An Australian man swam to shore and walked 300 metres to get help after suffering “extraordinary” injuries in a shark attack, in …
Yucatan is home to the largest species, the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), is the only marsupial to be found in North America. This animal is one of …
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA (July 17, 2020) – Researchers in Australia have devised a test that can determine novel coronavirus infection in about 20 …
An Australian man who acted on his own to free a whale caught in sea nets says he’s been fined by authorities …
SYDNEY Australia (EFE) – An affiliate of the American “Genesis II Church of Health and Healing” has been fined 151,200 Australian dollars …
Stock markets in Europe and the US are braced for their biggest falls since the 2008 financial crisis after the trading week began …
Scientists say the planet’s oldest asteroid strike In Australia 2.2 billion years ago
The world’s oldest remaining asteroid crater is at a place called Yarrabubba, southeast of the town of Meekatharra in Western Australia. Our new …
Millions of animals are dying from the Australian fires, and the environment will suffer for years to come AUSTRALIA (CNN) – In …