YUCATAN, (November 13, 2021) .- Through the Queen Bee Production Centers promoted by the State Government, 15,000 queen bees have been distributed …
Maya Alliance does not have reasons to celebrate World Bee Day
Mèrida, Yucatàn, (May 21, 2021).- “On May 20, World Bee Day, we have nothing to celebrate, because with sadness we are witnesses, …
HeadlinesMeridaNewsPeninsulaState News
Beekeeping and environmental protection laws approved in Yucatan
Yucatan legislators approved in plenary session the modifications to the Beekeeping Protection and Promotion Law regarding the promotion of Beekeeping Activity and …
Illegal logging, a problem afflicting the beekeeping industry in Yucatan
“It is urgent to update the legal framework to take care of bees and generate facilities for producers”: Silvia López Escoffié Mérida, …
5,700 beekeepers in Campeche report decrease of 50 percent in production this season
José Luis Flores González, president of Miel y Cera de Campeche, stated that this season Campeche will produce 50 percent less honey …
HeadlinesNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaState NewsWildlife
Yucatecan student outstanding thesis to be presented at the XI Mesoamerican Congress on Native Bees
The thesis presented by the biologist Luis Abiel Sansores Canul, on the Mayan bees, was transcendental and was preceded by exciting field …
President Andrés Manuel López and governor Mauricio Vila Dosal announced the construction of a honey distribution center, which will also work with …