To exceed the numbers of visitors, exhibited products, and sales, the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Mérida will hold …
canaco merida
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Preserve the peace and tranquility in Yucatan is the main objective of the State government
Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal held a meeting with members of the Canaco-Servytur de Mérida, to explain the security actions that the government …
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Canaco Mérida religes Iván Rodríguez Gasque as its president for the 2022 period
The leader of the chamber highlighted the results achieved in 2021 in attention to affiliates (MERIDA, YUC. – CANACO).- Businessmen of the …
Mérida´s Canaco Servytur celebrates 115th anniversary
Mérida, Yucatán, (November 25, 2021).- The National Chamber of Commerce, Services, and Tourism of Mérida, celebrated 115 years since its foundation, so …
Merida Chamber of Commerce celebrates 115th anniversary
Mérida, Yucatán, (November 19, 2021).- The president of the Chamber of Commerce of Mérida Iván Rodríguez Gasque, announced that this November the …
The “Buen Fin 2021” reached the sales goal set for Mérida, Yuc.
Mérida, Yucatán, (November 18, 2021).- The ‘Buen Fin’ managed to reach the goal set in terms of sales for this year, confirmed …
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2021 edition of the ‘Buen Fin’ kicks off in Yucatan!
Mérida, Yucatán, (November 11, 2021).- The president of the Canaco-Servytur de Mérida Iván Rodríguez Gasque said that there will be 10 thousand …
Mother’s Day will leave a much needed economic spill for businesses in the state capital: Canaco Mérida
Mèrida, Yucatàn, (May 10, 2021).- “For the celebrations of Mother’s Day, the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Canaco Servytur) of …