They want to help reduce the number of Covid-19 cases TIZIMÍN.- For the second consecutive year, due to the 2019 coronavirus pandemic, …
Rio de Janeiro cancels Carnival street parades due to rising COVID-19 cases
rio de janeiro, BRAZIL, January 5, 2021, (Reuters) – Rio de Janeiro has canceled street parades and parties during its world-famous Carnival …
The Mérida City Council informs that due to the COVID-19 pandemic and favoring the health of the people of Merida, this year …
“The Merida Carnival Committee works in relative normality in the planning of the 2021 edition of the Carnaval,” said its operational and …
Beach CommunitiesHeadlinesNewsPeninsulaTravel
Larger cruises are not bringing more tourists to Progreso, Yucatán
Although the average number of passengers per cruise has increased by just over 6 percent, from 2,837 in 2018. to 3,016 in …