On Thursday, December 19th, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced a new campaign of installing billboards in Central America and Mexico with messages …
Central America
HeadlinesInternationalMeridaNewsPeninsulaQ, RooYucatan
Tropical Storm Sara to cause flooding across Central America
Tropical Storm Sara made landfall in Honduras on Thursday evening. Its center of circulation is forecast to track along the coastline into …
Rolando Alvarez, Nicaraguan Catholic bishop sentenced to 26 years in prison
A Nicaraguan court sentenced Catholic Bishop Rolando Alvarez to more than 26 years in prison on Friday, February 10th, a day after …
At dawn, police and federal agents with cover from helicopters flying overhead raided a large ranch nestled among the mountains of northern …
The Roman Catholic archbishop of San Salvador said on Sunday, July 31st, that most people support a months-long state of emergency that …
President Daniel Ortega has authorized Russian troops, planes, and ships to deploy to Nicaragua
Russia says the measure is ‘routine,’ and the troops will be in Nicaragua for purposes of training, law enforcement, or emergency response. …
6,000 people were arrested in an unprecedented crackdown in El Salvador
Distraught families across El Salvador are searching for information on the fate of their loved ones after almost 6,000 people were arrested in an …
Belize blames CFE for nationwide blackout in that Central American country that shares a border with Mexico
Веlіzе Еlесtrісіtу Lіmіtеd (ВЕL) ѕауѕ іt rеѕtоrеd роwеr ѕuррlу tо thе еntіrе соuntrу оf Веlіzе bу 7:58 рm оn Моndау, Fеbruаrу 7. …
MEXICO CITY, December 28, 2021, (Reuters) – Mexico plans to promote job creation programs in the Caribbean that President Andres Manuel Lopez …
U.S. sanctions on Central American countries have made China an attractive partner
(Reuters) – A creeping barrage of U.S. sanctions on top Central American officials has made China an attractive partner for governments resisting …