Progreso, Yucatán, (August 14, 2021).- With the aim of thanking the ex-pat community for the great altruistic work carried out in the …
Beach CommunitiesHeadlinesNewsPeninsula
Foreign resident found dead inside his home in Chelem, Yucatán
YUCATÁN, (JULY 14, 2021).- A foreign resident was found dead on the afternoon of Tuesday, July 13th, inside his house located between …
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Flags are installed along the Yucatecan coast due to the presence of marine rocks
YUCATÁN, (July 12, 2021).- In order to safeguard the safety of bathers and crew members of pleasure boats, the Government of Yucatan …
Beach CommunitiesHeadlinesNewsPeninsula
Yucatecan beaches crowded despite Covid-19 health contingency
During the weekend there was a large influx of visitors in Progreso and Chelem Mèrida, Yuc., (May 04, 2021).- A large number …
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Chelem’s “El Precio de la Historia” The Price of History in Yucatan, a vibrant and unique place
Progreso, Yucatán, (April 08, 2021).- One of the strangest places in Yucatan, ideal for lovers of vintage, retro and nostalgia for the …
The corpse of a dolphin 2.10 meters long and weighing approximately 160 kilos was found this Monday on the beaches of the Chelem police station in Progreso, by a …
This is the 5th part of a series of articles published by Diario de Yucatan and The Yucatan Times about the conflict …
Beach CommunitiesFeatureHeadlinesMeridaNewsPeninsulaYucatan
Chelem’s intolerant Facebook Group out in the open
This is the 4th note regarding the conflict in Chelem. Since the articles of the conflict were published, new situations have come …
Beach CommunitiesFeatureHeadlinesMeridaNewsPeninsulaYucatan
Expatriate conflict with Chelem’s comisaria – Part 3
This is the third installment of Diario de Yucatan and The Yucatan Times regarding the conflict between a group of expatriates against …