MÉRIDA, March 19, 2020.- “For the first time, Chichén Itzá became the most visited archaeological zone in the country, during the first …
Chichén Itzá
HeadlinesMaya UniverseNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaState News
Chichén Itzá will open for the spring equinox, but with limited access
The Yucatan State Ministry of Culture reported that all events and art activities in theaters, concert halls, cultural centers and archaeological zones …
Maya UniverseNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaState News
Switzerland will contribute with economic resources for Chichen Itza cenote research
MÉRIDA, Yuc.- The Great Mayan Aquifer (Gran Acuífero Maya: GAM), a project of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), which …
FeatureHistoric YucatanMaya UniverseThe ColumnTravel
Did the Mayas disappear? The rise and decline of the Mayan civilization
In Yucatan, sitting at the door of his house, Don Juan Ek Tun watches how the sun gradually illuminates the church of …
The Yucatan Times presents part V and last, in its new “The Chichén Itzá series” bringing you a closer look on the history of the main …
The Yucatan Times presents part III in its new “The Chichén Itzá series” bringing you a closer look on the history of the …
The Yucatan Times presents part II in its new “The Chichén Itzá series”. We will provide you a closer look on the …
“Along the south wall of the Temple of Warriors are a series of about 200 columns, prompting the name “The temple of …
HeadlinesMaya UniverseNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaState News
Chichen Itza breaks record in tourist visits in a single day
Last Sunday, December 29, 18,696 people visited the Mayan city. MERIDA Yucatan – The archaeological zone of Chichen Itza broke the record …
VALLADOLID (Times Media Mexico).- The union between two cultures, the Maya and the Inca, was sealed with the signing of a twinning agreement between …