Campeche.- The Atasta Peninsula has become a new tourist attraction thanks to the recent sighting of manatees in its waters. These majestic …
ciudad del carmen
CampecheExpat CommunityHeadlinesLifestyleNewsPeninsulaPetsPlanetYuca
Environmentalists call to report animal abuse in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche
They have registered up to six cases daily; authorities assure that there are no cases in the municipality, but the people say otherwise. …
CampecheExpat CommunityFeatureLifestyleNewsPeninsula
Ciudad el Carmen will pay tribute to those who died from Covid-19, with sand sculptures
Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, (October 05, 2021).- As part of the activities on the occasion of the Day of the Dead, the …
Nesting season similar to last year’s in ‘Laguna de Términos’ in Campeche
CAMPECHE, (June 29, 2021).- With about 40 sea turtle nests of the hawksbill species that have been protected, the 2021 nesting season …
Artisans from ‘Ciudad del Carmen’ report an increase in sales during Easter
Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, (April 07, 2021).- “An increase of up to 40 percent in sales was registered by the artisans of …
Cd. Del Carmen, Campeche (March 22, 2021).-“Payments to suppliers that remain pending by Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), participation in the contracts that are …
Mexico City.- VivaAerobus reported through a statement that it will operate at 100% of its capacity in November, thus recovering its total capacity of registered …
CIUDAD DEL CARMEN.- A tragic scene was witnessed by the relatives of a man who lived in the Santa Rosalía neighborhood in Ciudad del …
Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche (August 10, 2020).- Since the beginning of the health contingency, the sector that has been hit the most …