The region’s endemic octopus, the Maya Octopus, is highly sensitive to changes in temperature. (MÉRIDA, YUC. – UNAM).- For many it goes …
climate change
After John Kerry’s visit, Mexico and the US agree to form a working group for clean energy production
AMLO and John Kerry agree to increase the potential of Mexico and the US in terms of clean energies. (MEXICO – FEDERAL …
AMLO’s Electricity Reform does not meet the objectives in the face of climate change: CCE
Odracir Barquera pointed out that the Electricity Reform would go in a direction opposite to the agreements that Mexico has with the …
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — Florida’s manatees are dying at a record rate and need federal protection for their seaside habitat, environmental groups said …
67 degrees Fahrenheit in Alaska on January 1st?
Climate change continues to topple temperature records. On Sunday, Jan. 2nd, the temperature in Kodiak, Alaska, hit 67 degrees Fahrenheit, setting a …
Climate Change is fueling violent water conflicts in Africa
Violent confrontations over increasingly scarce water in Africa have broken out in northern Cameroon, causing more than 30,000 people to flee into …
Does Climate Change have anything to do with the deadly tornadoes in the Midwest?
( ABC News ).- According to ABC News, record-breaking tornadoes on late Friday and early Saturday left at least 88 people dead across five …
EnvironmentHeadlinesLocal NewsNewsPeninsulaPlanetYucaState NewsValladolid News
Yucatan; vulnerable to climate change
Approval of the Climate Change Law will help prevent this phenomenon that impacts worldwide Mérida, Yucatan, (December 14, 2021).- The effects of …
Antarctic glacier the size of Florida on the verge of collapse could result in several feet of global sea-level rise
An Antarctic glacier the size of Florida is on the verge of collapse, scientists with the American Geophysical Union warned Monday, a …
HeadlinesLocal NewsNewsPeninsulaState NewsValladolid News
State Government Presents the 2040 Agenda for the transformation of Yucatán
The initiative will be built in conjunction with the public, social and private sectors, said Avilés Lizama Merida, Yucatan, (December 09, 2021).- …