Mexican legislators reelect the head of a human rights agency who failed to address abuses MEXICO CITY (AP) — Legislators from Mexico’s …
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Human Rights violations persist in Yucatan prisons, declares CODHEY
Miguel Óscar Sabido Santana, president of the Codhey, recalled that like every year, during this month, the agency will render an annual …
MÉRIDA, Yucatan, (December 21, 2021).- With the aim of bringing its services closer to the citizens that live in the south of Mérida, …
AMLO will intervene in the José Eduardo case in Mérida; the mother will file a complaint before the Human Rights Commission
MEXICO, (August 17, 2021).- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador revealed on Monday, August 16th that he will intervene in the case of the young …
According to the report, the president uses half-truths and unverifiable data so as not to talk about issues related to the pandemic, …
México City (March 8, 2021).- His words reveal the frustration and resistance to a pandemic that interrupted the conversation about violence against …
Mothers respond to AMLO: ‘Why is he not outraged by the sexual abuse of my daughter?’
The Collective also demands the resignation of Rosario Piedra from the CDNH: “If she has a little bit of dignity, she should …
The president launched harsh criticism for the vandalism that has been registered and for the Franciso I. Madero painting that was vandalized. …